
Hello! I’m Emily, a programmer and musician from Cork, now living in London.

A selfie, outdoors. I’m wearing a blue winter jacket, with a
                   hoodie underneath, and a cloth face mask with a
                   tree-and-sunset pattern in block colours. There is snow in my
                   hair and on my jacket, as well as on the stone floor behind
                   me. More falls in the distance.
This is me, in the grounds of St. George-in-the-East church in Shadwell on the 24th of January, 2021.

Programming projects


I have been working on this implementation of scrabble, with the goal of allowing multiplayer play over the web. It’s taken a backseat recently while I’ve focused on other things.


This is a very basic text editor written in C – I followed the snaptoken tutorial and then changed some things. It’s been a fun way to play around with macros and literate programming, and try programming in C like it’s Haskell.


In the first year of my BSc, I made a sampler as a university project. It was one of my first programming projects, and I really enjoyed getting stuck into it. It’s hosted on this site, and you can play around with it here.


For the final year project in my BSc I attempted to provide better arrival-time predictions for some buses in Cork, by polling Bus Éireann’s Real Time Information service to make a dataset and basing predictions on that dataset.

Unfortunately, it didn’t really work out. My data collection code was a little unreliable, so the dataset contained some unpredictable gaps, and it was hard to determine the times at which each bus reached each stop. Still, I’m often tempted to go back to it…



I am recently in a band called Hydrodyne. We have made some rough practice recordings, and hope to have some more formal recordings soon. You can follow us on bandcamp or check out our instagram.


I’ve self-released two EPs under the name Ekke, Good Words in a Convincing Order in 2016 and Comma Command in 2019.

If you want to keep up with new music I release, you can follow me on bandcamp.

Creative Tension

As a teenager, I played in a band called Creative Tension with some friends. We self-released and largely self-recorded an EP in 2011, Calm Down, Door, and shortly after breaking up in 2012 we put some practice recordings of more recent songs up on our bandcamp.

External links

Here are some other places you can find me online: